About National Service Scheme (NSS):

The National Service Scheme (NSS) is a Central Sector Scheme of Government of India, Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports. It provides opportunity to the student youth of 11th & 12th Class of schools at +2 Board level and student youth of Technical Institution, Graduate & Post Graduate at colleges and University level of India to take part in various government led community service activities & programmes. The sole aim of the NSS is to provide hands on experience to young students in delivering community service. Since inception of the NSS in the year 1969, the number of students strength increased from 40,000 to over 3.8 million up to the end of March 2018 students in various universities, colleges and Institutions of higher learning have volunteered to take part in various community service programmes.

The aim of the NSS is Education through community service.

The Motto of NSS “Not Me But You”, reflects the essence of democratic living and upholds the need for self-less service. NSS helps the student’s development & appreciation to other person’s point of view and also show consideration towards other living beings. The philosophy of the NSS is a good doctrine in this motto, which underlines on the belief that the welfare of an individual is ultimately dependent on the welfare of the society as a whole and therefore, the NSS volunteers shall strive for the well-being of the society.


The logo for the NSS has been based on the giant Rath Wheel of the world famous Konark Sun Temple (The Black Pagoda) situated in Orissa, India. The Red & Blue colors contained in the logo motivate the NSS Volunteers to be active & energetic for the nation-building social activities. The wheel portrays the cycle of creation, preservation and release and signifies the movement in life across time and space, The wheel thus stands for continuity as well as change and implies the continuous striving of NSS for social change.


NSS will work with integrity, Openness, truthfulness and accuracy, and will never promise what we cannot deliver.

We will be the entrusted partners in regards to the information shared with us.

NSS will be crystal clear, open and Transparent in all its actions, process and communications.

It is our mission to create added value and competitive advantage for our clients by delivering exceptionally personalized and customized services through our dedication, reliability and efficiency.


To become the industry’s best service provider of global repute by being the most trusted partner for our clients.

The NSS Badge Proud to Serve the Nation:

All the youth volunteers who opt to serve the nation through the NSS led community service wear the NSS badge with pride and a sense of responsibility towards helping needy.

The Konark wheel in the NSS badge having 8 bars signifies the 24 hours of a day, reminding the wearer to be ready for the service of the nation round the clock i.e. for 24 hours.

Red colour in the badge signifies energy and spirit displayed by the NSS volunteers.

The Blue colour signifies the cosmos of which the NSS is a tiny part, ready to contribute its share for the welfare of the mankind.


  • To arouse social consciousness of the students by providing them opportunities to work with and among the people.
  • To develop an awareness and knowledge of social realities to have concern for the well being of the community and engage in creative and constructive social action.
  • To provide with rich and meaningful educational experiences to them in order to make their education complete and meaningful.
  • To develop skill needed in the exercise of democratic leadership and programme development to help them get self-employed and to give them the opportunities for their personality development.



If service to society is not enough a reason for you, there are many other perks of joining NSS:
1) You get exposure to the real problems of the country at grassroots level
2) You get a sense of satisfaction (believe me, it feels awesome to serve)
3) You develop soft skills
4) You get exposure to the working of an organization at all levels
5) You get to look and experience an event from all perspectives, be it logistics, management, hospitality, official work involved, publicity etc (basically, an exposure to the kind of work done by all the other departments in BITS)
6) A group of awesome people, all kinds of people- from 10 pointers to 5 pointers, from outspoken ones to introverts and from calm to short tempered.
7) You develop a lot of patience
8) You connect to other colleges via NSS (networking, basically)

Some of the main motivating factors of joining NSS according to me are:

  1. You get to know the society very closely, when you meet new people understand their needs and do well for them in whatever small means your team can, it gives you an inner satisfaction which one can’t explain in words.
  2. You understand the importance of life, when you organize various health camps, blood donation camps and start valuing the things which you have been taking for granted like your health, money sent by family and many more.
  3. You get the skills of organizing things well and utilizing the resources in most efficient way like cloth donation ,taking up materials from students which are no use for them but can be of much use for the under privileged ones.
  4. Team NSS generally performs various skits/nukkads to spread awareness in the society about various issues, so if you have stage fear this is the best way to remove.
  5. That feeling when you visit old age homes/blind homes/orphanages and spend some time with them, you will see some sort of happiness on their face which is better than any materialistic things in the world.
  6. Although this doesn’t excite me but you will be getting a Certificate for being a volunteer of NSS, which is recognized by government of India so it can have an impact on your resume as well.



Uthen samaj ke liye uthen uthen, jagen

Swarashtra ke liye jagen jagen, Sawayam

Sajen vasundhara sanwar den-2. Hum uthen

Uthega jag hamare sang sathiyon,

Hum badhe to sab badhenge apnea p sathiyon,

Zamin pe asman ko utar den-2

Udaaiyon ko dur kar khushi ko banten chalen,

Gaon aur shahar ki durion ko patate chalen,

Gyan ko parechar den prasar den

Vidyan ko prachar de prasar de Sawayam

Saje vasundhara sanwar de. Samarth Bal

Vurdh aur narian rahe sada, Hare bhare

Vanon ki shawl odhti rahe dhra, Tarakhiyon

Ki ek nayee katar den-2. Sawayam saje

Vasundhara sanwar de

Ye jati dharm bollyan bane na shool rah ki,

Badhayen bel prem ki akhandta ki chah ki,

Bhawna se ye chaman nikhar den

Sadbhawam se ye Chamau Nikhar de

Sawayam saje vasundhara sanwar de uthen samaj ke liye uthen uthen,

Jagen Swarashtra ke liye jagen jagen,

Sawayam sajen vasundhara Sanwar den-2



       “We the student volunteers and proud members of the National Service Scheme do hereby pledge that we shall uphold the pride and prestige of our National Service Scheme and always strive to maintain Tolerance & Sacrifice, Love and Academic performance. We also pledge that we will never resort to any sort of violence instead strive to settle all differences and disputes relating to religion, language, region, political and economic grievances by peaceful and constitutional means. We promised to work with dedication to preserve and strengthen the integrity of our nation and committed to selfless service to the society.”




  1. Dr. K. Sarala, Programme Officer
  2. Ch. Kiranmayi
  3. B.Komali
  4. R.Sasi kala
  5. T.Salomi


  UNIT 2:

  1. Naga Rani Programme Officer
  2. Sangeeta Lakshmi
  3. S. Sowjanya
  4. Saritha
  5. sindhu priya