MOOCS Committee


Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are online courses that allow participants free access and unrestricted modes of teaching such as lectures, videos and reading material. The concept of MOOCs, raised in 2008 and developed since then, has spread throughout the world. The E-contents of these courses are prepared by the subject experts. In this regard, MOOCS offers the active learning concept. Lectures should never be passive and technology should not be banned from the teaching learning process. There are several components of MOOCs that make it very popular.

  • When the content of a class are consumed by the thousands of students of differing abilities, the rules that define meaning when these elements are linked together in a traditional classroom may no longer apply.
  • Lectures are divided into shorter segments and different elements are linked together.
  • MOOCs are open and well prepared by the professors after several experiments.
  • Another important component is the online discussion forum to create the active interaction platform for effective knowledge sharing.

Some organizations offering online courses are as follows:

  • Swayam
  • Coursera
  • edX
  • FutureLearn
  • SodhGanga
  • SodhSindhu
  • Udacity
  • Spoken Tutorials

The institution established the Swayam NPTEL local Chapter and MOOCs offer two enrolment options:

  • Free Auditing—gives access to videos, readings, and forums for free.
  • Paid Enrolment—gives access to all the content, including paywalled elements such as the Certificate of completion.

MOOC has been portrayed as an alternative path to access higher education in many developed countries.



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